Appalachian Dental Care
Dental Veneers
A long time ago, the only people who worried about how their smiles looked were actors, celebrities and politicians. That was partially because cosmetic dentistry was more expensive and harder to find back then. Times have changed, and now our Boone, North Carolina, dental office can offer several cosmetic dentistry treatments. More and more, the average person is getting work done so they are not embarrassed to smile anymore, and a popular choice is dental veneers.
What Are Dental Veneers Used For?
The enamel on your teeth is very tough, but it is not magic. As you get older, you can collect all kinds of stains, chips and marks on your teeth. If these problems are really damaging, like cavities or fractures, we can use tooth-colored fillings, inlays, onlays or dental crowns. But what if the problem is more cosmetic than anything else?Dental veneers are extremely thin shells made to look like the front of your teeth if they were perfectly healthy and clean. They are resistant to stains, long-lasting and very durable. By getting dental veneers, you are giving your smile a beautiful but natural appearance that increases your confidence and gives you a new reason to smile.
How Are Veneers Made?
Dr. Airey will first speak with you about what you want veneers to do. For example, they can be made just a little bit larger than your teeth to cover any small gaps between your teeth or make the edges look straight and even. Our CEREC system will use three-dimensional images of your teeth to make the veneers. At Appalachian Dental Care, we use two materials for this: porcelain and zirconia. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which Dr. Airey will go over completely before anything is done.
How Are Veneers Put on My Teeth?
First, the teeth that will get the veneers are prepared by being cleaned. In order to place veneers on your teeth and make them look normal, Dr. Airey will then need to prepare the teeth by removing a thin layer of enamel. This allows the veneers to sit flush with your teeth and look natural. Otherwise, they would stick out just enough to look strange. Dr. Airey will then carefully bond each veneer to those teeth to give your smile a brand-new look. And because enamel has no nerve endings, the whole process is painless.
What Are Prepless Veneers?
Normally, the teeth receiving veneers are prepared by removing a thin layer of enamel. However, our dental office has special veneers that are so thin, no preparation is necessary.
If your teeth are stained, chipped or just not good looking anymore, stop being embarrassed to smile and get dental veneers. To learn more about our dental veneers or to schedule your next appointment with our dentist, give us a call today at 828-264-9938.
appalachian Dental Care
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